
Scouting for Coyotes: Finding the Best Locations and Habitats


Scouting for coyotes is a crucial step in preparing for a successful hunting expedition. Coyotes are highly adaptable animals that inhabit a variety of habitats, making scouting essential for identifying the best locations to hunt. In this guide, we’ll explore strategies for scouting coyotes and finding the most promising hunting grounds.

Incorporate advanced night hunting techniques like spot-and-stalk or calling under the cover of darkness. Employ patience, stealth, and technology for effective nocturnal coyote hunting operations.

Understanding Coyote Habitats

Open Fields and Grasslands

Coyotes are commonly found in open fields and grasslands, where they hunt for small mammals such as rabbits and rodents. Look for signs of coyote activity such as tracks, scat, and scent markings along field edges and fence lines. These areas provide ample cover for coyotes to stalk their prey while remaining hidden from view.

Wooded Areas and Forests

Coyotes also inhabit wooded areas and forests, where they seek shelter and prey on small mammals and birds. Scout for coyote signs such as tracks, scat, and dens in dense vegetation, brushy areas, and around water sources such as creeks and streams. Wooded areas provide coyotes with cover and protection from predators while offering abundant food sources.

Urban and Suburban Areas

Coyotes have adapted to urban and suburban environments, where they scavenge for food and exploit human resources such as garbage and pet food. Scout for coyote signs such as tracks, scat, and sightings in parks, green spaces, and residential neighborhoods. Urban and suburban areas provide coyotes with a diverse range of food sources and shelter opportunities.

Strategies for Scouting

Use Trail Cameras

Trail cameras are valuable tools for scouting coyotes, allowing hunters to monitor activity in remote areas without disturbing wildlife. Place trail cameras along trails, game paths, or near water sources to capture images of coyotes and other wildlife. Reviewing trail camera footage can help identify coyote travel routes and patterns.

Search for Tracks and Signs

Scout for coyote tracks, scat, and scent markings in potential hunting areas to determine coyote activity and behavior. Look for tracks in soft soil, mud, or snow, paying attention to the size and shape of the prints. Coyote scat is often tubular in shape and may contain hair, bones, and undigested food remnants. Scent markings such as urine markings on vegetation or rocks can indicate territorial boundaries and travel routes.

Conduct Reconnaissance Trips

Before the hunting season begins, conduct reconnaissance trips to scout potential hunting areas and assess coyote activity. Look for signs of coyote presence such as tracks, scat, and sightings while familiarizing yourself with the terrain and features of the landscape. Note any natural features such as ridgelines, valleys, or water sources that may attract coyotes and influence their movements.


Scouting for coyotes is a crucial step in preparing for a successful hunting expedition. By understanding coyote habitats and employing effective scouting strategies such as using trail cameras, searching for tracks and signs, and conducting reconnaissance trips, hunters can identify the best locations and habitats to target coyotes. With careful scouting and preparation, hunters can increase their chances of a successful coyote hunt and enjoy a rewarding outdoor experience in the wild.

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